Database entry

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12 thoughts on “Database entry

    1. Ed Coker

      Hello Bob – fight you way through the registration process as I have just done! How are you? Ed Coker

  1. Alan Shepherd

    I am a Governor at the College and also the Secretary of the Ruskin Fellowship of ex-students. I have tried to contact you on your email address for this project but to no avail. I think we might be able to help and a meeting might be useful. Please contact me as the Sec of the Fellowship if you think a discussion might be useful. Thanks.

    1. Annie Skinner

      Alan thank you for this. We will investigate and get back to you. Best wishes Annie.

  2. Malcolm Ball

    I wish to register. I have two pieces of writing which may be useful. My first is a long essay about Independent Working Class Education. At its core is a section on Ruskin College, the strike and the influence of Oxford on Ruskin College. My second piece is a shorter biographical essay about Benjamin Lee who was a student at Ruskin during the strike. He was a nominee of the Derbyshire Miners Association. At the time of his study at Ruskin he lived at carr Vale in Bolsover. Interestingly another person JohnArmstrong also lived in the same street when he was accepted for Ruskin in 1965. I was born in Carr Vale and at the time of my acceptance for Ruskin (1966) also lived in the same village. I followed John Armstrong to Hull University. Tragically, John was killed an a car accident on the night that he finished his final examination. He was awarded a B.Sc Economics. I don’t have a pc file of the B Lee essay but can put a copy in the post to Ruskin College.
    Best wishes,
    Malcolm Ball

    1. Stefan Dickers

      Hi Malcolm,

      Many thanks for your email.

      These sound like wonderful pieces and we would be delighted to accept them. Hopefully, we may be able to publish them in full form on the New Ruskin website.

      It would be fantastic if you were able to register and contribute database entries on Benjamin Lee, John Armstrong and yourself. Do let us know if you have any problems with either of these and we will help you out.

      All the best and we look forward to hearing from you,

    2. Rob Turnbull

      Dear Malcolm

      I would be very interested in your essay on IWCE. I have just published a book on the history of the Plebs League in the NE of England. Its entitled Left for the Rising Sun. Right for Swan Hunter. Its availbale via Waterstones in Hexham, Peoples Bookshop in Durham and Word Power books in Edinburgh. You may also want to have a look at our website., as we are in the process of reviving the IWCE network for the 21 C

  3. Victor Rogers

    I’m very pleased that you are recreating an archive of Ruskin history and will forward personal details and one or two pics at a later date.
    I was a mature student between 1979-81 and studied British history, taught especially, by Victor Treadwell who I remember fondly, political ideas and economics.
    The time I spent at Ruskin changed my life. It provided me with knowledge, political awareness, experience of an academic lifestyle and the companionship of fellow students and staff.
    I went on to study Modern European History at Warwick University.
    Once again thank you for creating this archive.
    Victor Rogers BA(hons)

    1. Annie Skinner

      Dear Victor
      Thanks for this comment. Have you filled in a form for the database? If not do you think you could do one please? And also please pass this link on to any of your old college mates.
      Best wishes

  4. Barbara Brown

    Greetings. I was a student on a summer course (Human Rights ) around 1980 to !982. It changed my life. I would love to contact any fellow students to see where they landed up and possibly organise a reunion.
    How do I register with you?
    with best wishes
    Barbara Brown

  5. Tom Gregory

    I’m trying to find one of my grandfathers close college friends. They were at Ruksin college about 1966-69 does anyone know where we can find the details of past students.
    Tom Gregory


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