Pearce Register of British WW1 Conscientious Objectors

Following on from the recent addition of some entries on Conscientious Objectors who had been Ruskin students Cyril Pearce has written:

‘In a new initiative in the study of the impact of the First World War on Britain, in the autumn of 2014, the Imperial War Museum will be publishing on-line a unique source for the history of Britain’s Conscientious Objectors. The Pearce Register of British WW1 Conscientious Objectors will appear as part of its ‘Lives of the First World War’ digital platform. It contains more than 17,000 entries, bringing together, for the first time, data from a wide range of different sources. It is incomplete and contains numerous errors of duplication and transcription. Consequently, it is looking to users to add new data and suggest corrections so that over the next few years the Register will become even more extensive and accurate. Marking the CO contribution to British history has been neglected for too long. The Pearce Register offers a chance to make amends – an opportunity which may appeal to the New Ruskin Archive and its users.’

We will provide links once the CO website is launched.More information on the COs already listed would be most appreciated.

2 thoughts on “Pearce Register of British WW1 Conscientious Objectors

  1. Anthony Coppin

    I wonder if you can tell me how I access the Pearce database of COs. I am looking in particular for details of two men from my part of Lancashire, a Mr Henry Alty of Pilling and a Mr Ernest Malley of Garstang.
    Thank you
    Anthony Coppin
    Garstang Historical Society, Lancashire


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