First name/s: George H
Last name: Melhuish
Known names / nicknames:
Date of birth:
Year of birth: 1873
Life before Ruskin
Date and place of birth: 1873, Exeter
Family: Father’s occupation, Tailor
Work: Grocer’s clerk (1891 census)
Politics/Trade union activity: Member of Social Democratic Federation, active in Plymouth branch.
Trade Union membership (at time of entry to Ruskin)
Life at Ruskin
Dates at Ruskin: January-December 1900
Source of funding: Not known
Campaigns/political activity: Active in Ruskin Hall Movement.
Subjects studied at Ruskin: standard curriculum (Industrial History, History, Sociology, Economics)
Dissertation: N/A
Qualification: N/A
Life after Ruskin
Education: unknown
Work: unknown
Politics/trade union activity: Worked in Ruskin Hall Movement, helped set up a Plymouth Ruskin Hall in 1901 (with Teddy Traynor), while also organising SDF educational activity in Plymouth. Supporter of Plebs League at time of 1909 strike, and was still active in 1930s when he was Treasurer of the London Division of the Plebs League.
Family: Wife, Ida Vernon Melhuish (census 1911)
Place & date of death: Not known
Date of death:
Year of death: 0
Achievements / Publications
Publications by George Melhuish:
‘May Day’, Young Oxford, vol 1.9, June 1900, p 18.
‘How the World Looks. By a Late Resident of Ruskin Hall’, Young Oxford, vol 2.19, April 1901, 238-9.
‘The Early Days at Ruskin’, The Plebs, 2 February 1935, 29-30.
Material in archives or already published articles
Melhuish had a reputation as an orator, and is frequently mentioned in the Ruskin Hall Fraternal League News (Young Oxford, Sept 1900-Aug 1902). He occasionally writes to, or is mentioned in. the SDF newspaper Justice (4 March 1899; 24 March 1900) .
Notes on Image/s
Comment of contributor/s and sources
Sources, Young Oxford, Justice and The Plebs.
Census material 1891 and 1901 confirmed by home address given in Ruskin Hall Fraternal League News, and moderate confidence for the 1911 census (giving his wife’s name).
Janet Vaux
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